Our Process


Our grant programs are open to all qualified nonprofits in Oregon and Washington. In between grant cycles, we do not accept unsolicited requests for funding. 


We award grants only to tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or to public institutions providing services and research aligned with our mission and guidelines. We primarily serve organizations in the states of Oregon and Washington.

Time Frame

We will consider one-year or multi-year grants.

Interested in Applying for a Grant?

We welcome organizations, researchers and community partners to apply for a grant.

Cancer Research Grants

We invest in advanced research for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, with particular emphasis on clinical applications of promising drug and technological advances. We also invest in emerging research or a new approach that demonstrates potential for the diagnosis or treatment of cancer.

We provide cancer research grants that:

  • Demonstrate and advance collaboration.
  • Invest in new and promising research and advance the next generation of tenacious and entrepreneurial leaders.
  • Focus on long-term enduring solutions and finding a cure for cancer.
  • Identify and address gaps in funding for research that is traditionally underfunded, such as children’s cancer research and rare forms of cancer.
  • Make promising efforts to propel to the next stage of funding.

Intellectual and Developmental Disability Grants

We invest in organizations that advance the lives of individuals who experience intellectual or developmental disabilities, and their caregivers and families. Changing the systems, policies and programs that are outdated and not meeting the needs or aspirations of the community is critically important, and we have an investment track for advocacy related efforts. We take a nimble and responsive approach to grantmaking with a recognition that new ideas and prospective models could lead to critical breakthroughs that enhance the lives of individuals experiencing IDD.

Eligible activities include education, advocacy, employment, the arts, and supported, inclusive or independent housing.

We provide intellectual and developmental disability grants for:

  • Residential settings, communities and programs in the early or expansion stages. This could include co-housing and congregant housing, inclusive communities and supported housing.
  • General operating support for established programs and housing with a demonstrated record of success.
  • Programs and initiatives that enhance inclusion, quality of life, independence and accessibility, from education to employment.
  • Capital campaigns for land acquisition and capital costs are applicable.
  • Programs that support advocacy efforts and advance system change for the IDD community.